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Girls United walk from Peckham to Brisbane

Girls United and the Girls United Community walked from Peckham to Brisbane to raise money to support girls within the sport.

[image: Girls United]

Organisation Girls United set out to travel 10,000+ miles in order to both fundraise and spread awareness of the FWWC2023. The exact distance of 10,262 miles is exactly how far it is from their homeground in Peckham Rye to Brisbane. They invited the girls' united community to embark on this journey whether that be a walk, a run, a swim or even a skip. For every mile completed, a £1 donation was asked of. The campaign ran the month before the lionesses first game and girls united officially hit their goal of 10,262 miles and thus £10,262 was raised.

An integral part of the campaign are the girls united community who were invited to show what their stance was on the women’s game. Girls United themselves put out their own stances.

[image: Girls United]

Girls United is an organization set up in order to create safe spaces for girls to play football and have a clear trajectory for success. They provide the best environment for growth and success and have three distinct goals; Establish Football Programmes, Create Better Futures and Level the Playing Field. With a wealth of events and opportunities, Girls United is truly an organisation that is pushing the sport in the right direction.

If you want to see more of the great work they’re doing, see the website here.


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